Teaching Notes

The Lion Who Stole My Arm

By Nicola Davies (Author)

Series Heroes of the Wild

Notes By Eva John

Category Novels

About the Resources

An 8-page illustrated set of Teachers’ Notes.


About the Book

A child, a wild animal - and a life-changing encounter. This is an exciting new range of books in which children find solutions to problems through conservation rather than killing.

On his way home from a fishing trip Pedru is attacked by a lion who takes his arm. As Pedru gradually adapts to his altered circumstances, at home and at school, he vows to get his revenge. So when his father, the finest hunter in the village, agrees to hunt the lion with him, Pedru is thrilled. But father and son track and kill the wrong lion - and find it's wearing a collar. Pedru's feelings change when he returns the collar to the Madune Carnivore Research Unit and the scientists there help him see his lion in a different light. With this new understanding he devotes himself to the study of lion behaviour, inspired by the animals' resilience and the possibilities their careful management opens up for his country's future in the form of tourism. Nicola Davies has visited all the countries she writes about - and information about real conservation projects is included at the back of each book. These books focus on children who live in countries where wild animals pose a threat, and the solutions that will affect their lives and their future. It features beautiful black and white mixed media illustrations by Annabel Wright.

“Graffeg have had the pleasure of working with Eva on a number of projects over the past few years, furnishing us with an added educational resource for many of our books. Work of the highest standard is always completed on time and I would happily recommend Eva to anyone looking for top quality teachers' notes to accompany their texts.”

Matthew Howard | Publishing Director, Graffeg

Comprehensive teachers’ notes designed to develop critical thinking skills and a more sophisticated, considered response to texts and illustrations.

Scroll to list of available notes

The notes provide:

  • open-ended discussion points and activities to encourage the development of pupil independence, collaborative working and problem-solving
  • use of talking and writing partners to build pupil confidence
  • reading comprehension skills – literal, deductive, inferential, analytical, evaluative
  • vocabulary enrichment
  • drama activities
  • evaluation of, and innovation on, author techniques
  • research opportunities
  • stimulating writing and creative activities in response to text and illustrations
  • pupil engagement and creativity at the heart of activities
  • awareness of purpose and audience and selection of appropriate form, style, register and medium of communication.